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About International Open Access Journal – “Analytical Sciences”

About us

The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC) was established in 1952 to contribute to the progress of science, technology, culture, and welfare.

 Analytical chemistry is a multidisciplinary field involving science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, dentistry, and pharmaceutics. To-this-date, approximately 5000 researchers in various industrial, governmental and academic fields have joined the JSAC. Among the analytical chemistry societies, JSAC is one of the world’s largest academic societies with multidisciplinary active members.

 JSAC has a head office in Tokyo, and seven branch offices in each region of Japan and each office cooperates continuously to support membership and to promote the analytical chemistry.

 Analytical chemistry is a discipline to obtain chemical information for purposes such as detection, separation, and characterization. Nowadays, analytical chemistry has been expanded to analytical “science” involving both analysis and intelligence.

 Achievements of analytical chemistry are essential for industry (chemical products, metals, ceramics, semiconductors, medicines, and foods), global issues (resource, energy, and environment), and cutting-edge science (electronic and biotechnology). In other words, analytical chemistry significantly contributes to sophisticated information, materials development, and medical therapy. Besides, life and cultures, which do not seem to be related to chemistry, occasionally requires knowledge and technique of analytical chemistry. There is no doubt that most fields of natural science are based on analytical chemistry.

About Analytical Sciences

Analytical Sciences is an international journal published monthly by The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. The journal publishes papers on all aspects of the theory and practice of analytical sciences, including fundamental and applied, inorganic and organic, wet chemical and instrumental methods. Go to the Web page for Analytical Sciences.

This publication is supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.

Policy toward institutional repositories: Publisher versions may be deposited immediately after publication. Permission is not required.

Impact Factor of Analytical Sciences

The impact factor (2020) is 2.018, one of the highest scores among the major chemistry journals in Japan.